Sunday, May 24, 2020

Pursuit Of Unhappiness. A Dream That Can Never Be Fully

Pursuit of Unhappiness A Dream that can never be fully attained, yet a country is built off the hope it inspires. The American Dream is a battle that can never be won. This concept is emphasised by both ends of the spectrum. On one end, Jay Gatsby, a wealthy man who has been praised for his accomplishment suffers from the lack of love and the willingness to move forward. On the other end, Walter Younger, a poor man without meaning in his life, is surrounded by unconditional love and determination for the future. Due to the flaws of Jay Gatsby and Walter Younger in Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby, and Hansberry’s A Raisin in the Sun, they are unable to achieve the entirety of the American Dream. Both successfully acquire parts of the†¦show more content†¦Walter passionately responds with â€Å"Because it is life, Mama!† (Hansberry 74). Demonstrating his close mindedness, Walter displays the weakness that prevents complete satisfaction by assuming materialism directly corre lates with success. Washington points out that, â€Å"What Walter dreams of and aggressively pursues is the power that money brings, power being the essence of the only kind of manhood he is willing to accept† ( 97). Walter’s manhood depends upon the authority and influence money would entitle him to, and without that he considers himself a failure. Thus, he has built up the American Dream to such an unattainable point that he lives his life constantly unsatisfied. Through hard work and determination, Gatsby exceeds the expectations of affluence while Walter falls short of wealth, leaving him feel betrayed by the American promise. From romantic relationships to friendships, love is critical to the fulfilment of the American Dream. Gatsby and Walter encounter various hardships surrounding the difficulty of adequately expressing their affection before the intensity of their ambition erupts through such a delicate emotion as love. For instance, the incident at the hotel when Gatsby demands Daisy to emit she never loved Tom and has only loved Gatsby. Or the moment when Walter dismisses Ruth’s invitation to talk about her pregnancy and rather pities himself because no one is listening to him. Nonetheless, Walter overcomes the issuesShow MoreRelatedTheme Of Isolation In Frankenstein876 Words   |  4 Pagesenlightenment is generally perceived as a positive idea, Victor’s unrelenting pursuit of knowledge ends up being detrimental, leading him and others to isolation. Shelley illustrates the connection between knowledge and isolation with her use of lightness and darkness through Victor and his crea tion, the monster. 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Ask those bastards.† (Hemingway, Page 2208 and 2209) Throughout the whole story Harry kind of has this arrogant, cocky dialect, and he is quite rude to his wifeRead MoreCaesars Ambition Lead to His Downfall3012 Words   |  13 Pagesthe leaders of the past, and Ceasar’s case was no different. While ambition gives an individua l a goal and proper motivation towards it, sometimes the culprit can become obsessed with his own legacy, and forego rationality to in an attempt to carve his name in stone. For a ruler, this is a particularly undesirable attribute; ambitious power can lead to corruption and inevitably, the deterioration of a nation. Indeed, this was the case for the venerable yet foolish Roman ruler. Julius Caesar, the fearedRead MoreCritical Evaluation of Karen Horneys Theory6263 Words   |  26 Pagesestablished. First, children show a marked tendency to repeat previous experiences, even though these were unpleasant ones, such as a medical examination or an operation. 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Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Slavery in the North Failed Because of Its Economic Structure

Introduction: Slavery was a disgraceful part of our history for many years. Its start grew from a need for a labor source in the new and growing America. The Southern economy thrived from slave labor whereas the North did not rely on the labor of slaves. This paper will prove that slavery failed in the North because in the North there was no need for large labor to support the economic structure compared to the South where slavery was needed to support their economy. There are three main points that will be used to support this. They are; Northern industry and Southern industry were very different, the slave population was smaller in the North because of the different economy in the North, and the smaller slave population and less†¦show more content†¦African Americans in the North could live a much more productive life than in the South whether they were free or slaves and the slave population was not as important and not a necessity because the number of immigrants in the North was much larger in the North. Slaves were found primarily in the South but there was slavery in the North. The overall population was 2-3 percent but in Boston and Newport, 20-25 percent of the population was slave labor. The enslaved were not needed as agricultural workers. Instead, many of the slaves held other positions such as domestic servants, artisans, crafts men, sailors, dockworkers, laundresses and coachmen (Rosenzweig, n.d.) . Fredrick Douglas escaped from slavery and moved north. While he was in the North, Fredrick wrote: The fifth day after my arrival, I put on the clothes of a common laborer, and went upon the wharves in search of work. On my way down Union Street I saw a large pile of coal in front of the house of Rev. Ephraim Peabody, the Unitarian minister. I went to the kitchen door and asked the privilege of bringing in and putting away this coal. What will you charge? said the lady. I will leave that to you, madam. You may put it away, she said. I was not long in accomplishing the job, when the dear lady put into my hand two silver half-dollars. To understand the emotion which swelled my heart as I clasped this money, realizing that I had no master whoShow MoreRelatedWhy the compromises from 1846~1861 failed to prevent the Civil War1133 Words   |  5 Pagesbetween the north and the south temporarily but not to solve it. The foundational problems, like the the slavery itself, the differences in social structure and economic system and the expansion of slavery, were left. The increasing strugg le between the abolitionists and slave owners and between the newly formed Republican Party and the Democratic Party kept putting those questions in front of the US people. The compromises themselves failed to satisfy the wants of both sides, enraged the north and frightenedRead MoreSouthern Slavery And Its Impact On American Society986 Words   |  4 Pages During early 19th century, the entrenchment of Southern slavery, there was discussion between planters who benefitted from it and abolitionists who fought against it. Most Americans, especially those in Southern states, understood that slavery system could not help parting from their economic and social system. Southern slavery system brought big economical benefits. However, it negatively influenced American society as a whole rather that positively. 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His strategy to defeat the industrialized Union, which was well established, never succeeded since he failed to get back up from foreign nations. The major problemRead MoreThe Legacy Of The Civil War Essay1488 Words   |  6 Pagesfracturing of the early political system on the basis of location, party, economic visions were the beginning of fundamental differences between the states. As the political, social, and economic patterns developed throughout the nation, the regional and ideological differences only deepened, leading to the inevitable division of the Union and its populace. One of the primary long term causes for the Civil War was the nation’s early economic division. Specifically, those of the Hamiltonian and JeffersonianRead MoreEssay about The Revolutionary War1417 Words   |  6 PagesQuasi-War with France. Then the issue of slavery started to rise. This issue, which was an emotional struggle, brought much conflict in all themes and events such as social / cultural, economic, and politically. This conflict was separated into two divisions: North and South. The North was antislavery, and more industrial. The South was pro-slavery and did not contain the factories like the North. The Souths main resource was the cotton because of the ideal soil and climate. Emotion andRead MoreSummary Of Alfred Young s Article On Young, Cornell, And W1115 Words   |  5 PagesConstitution† we cover the topic of Slavery and how it shaped every aspect of the Constitution. Slavery was not intended by the framers to be a main topic of discussion at the convention. The two plans that were discussed both hinted to the system of slavery and representation. Nothing was more important to the writer’s then representation. Representation and state sovereignty were one in the same. In order to cre ate this republican government in a national union, slavery needed to be discussed in depthRead MoreThe Effects Of Slavery On American South And Its Entire Population Essay1497 Words   |  6 PagesEssentially, slavery was an economic institution with far-reaching benefits to slaveholders, since the value of slave labor was considerably more than the cost of their maintenance. Demands for democratization, respect for human dignity and American Civil War presented a major turning point in the institution of slavery as farmers turned to lesser labor-intensive production methods such as the use of Eli Whitney s Cotton Gin. This paper analyzes different ways in which institution of Slavery affectedRead MoreEuropean Exploration And Conquest Of Latin America1277 Words   |  6 Pagessettler’s actions. Slavery became a tremendously important aspect of both society and economics in Spanish, English, French and Portuguese colonies through the encomienda system of forced labor. Altho ugh European settlers had nearly identical goals, slavery had distinct roles in their individual colonial economies and societies. European settlers began to travel to and colonize Latin America in the late 15th century searching for wealth and new opportunities. Around the same time both North and South AmericaRead MoreThe Adaptation Of The National Banking Act Was Due To The1427 Words   |  6 Pagesformed a syndicate of banks to purchase bonds for low rates. The banks trusted the government with an ideal in mind that the government would not deceive its own banking system; But soon enough they came to the realization that the government has failed them. The value of government bonds dropped dramatically making banks to put a stop to convertibility of banknotes to gold or silver and some banks were driven out of business. In 1863, the national Bank act was passed to with four main goals in

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Prostitution of Children and Child Prostitutes Free Essays

PROSTITUTION Prostitution is defined as the act, practice or profession of offering the body for sexual relations for money. (New Webster’s Dictionary 1995:802). The Encyclopedia Americana (1997) defined prostitution as â€Å"the performance of sexual acts with another person in return for the payment of a fee. We will write a custom essay sample on Prostitution of Children and Child Prostitutes or any similar topic only for you Order Now † Child prostitution is therefore, prostitution embarked upon by children who are below the age of 18 and are supposed to be catered for by their parents. It is commonly acknowledged that acts of prostitution are performed by women for men nevertheless occasions arise when the acts are done by men for men. The context of this work deals particularly with female child prostitution. UNICEF considers child prostitutes as young girls in sex trade, who are between the age bracket of 8 and 16. (Jubilee Action Report 1995). In the Nigerian milieu, prostitutes below the age of 18 are regarded as child prostitutes, since only persons above 18 years of age are statutorily regarded as adults. Child prostitution is the â€Å"sexual exploitation of girls and teenagers† (Awake February 8, 2003:6). Available data show that approximately 1. 5million children in India, 1 million in Asia, 100,00 children in United States and 500 children in Latin America are engaged in prostitution (Healy, 1995:35). Awake (February 8,2003:2) reported,â€Å"there were about 300,000 child prostitutes on the streets, in another land where drug trafficking flourishes†. According to Jubilee Action report (1995:10), up to 1 million female children join prostitution each year around the globe. However, the clandestine nature of child prostitution makes it impossible to calculate the exact number of working prostitutes, nonetheless the International Labour Organization (ILO) analysis (1993-1994), estimates that between 0. 25% and 1. 5% of the total female population are engaged in this trade. Globally, child prostitution is illegal and it is also regarded as a barbarous crime, yet it persists. Why? Child prostitution does not just happen. It is caused by a variety of factors some are perpetrated by the prostitutes themselves, while other factors are external to the prostitutes themselves. This is really a growing problem in developed world and developing world like Nigeria (Quintanilla, 1997:20). CAUSES OF CHILD PROSTITUTION IN Owerri Municipal Council 1. Misery and POVERTY: Poverty is the most common reason why most families sell the services of their female children to augment their income in order to buy food or clothes and other necessities of life. (Janssen, 2001:10). The case of child labour is a typical factor that exposes children to prostitution. The hired female children are sent out to hawk food items on the streets, motor parks, and mechanic garages thereby exposing them to rapes as well as sexual harassment s. Barnes H. C. (1959:95) observed that some females take to prostitution due to sheer destitution. Awake (February 8,2003:5) reported that some street children resort to prostitution because they see it as their only means of survival. The Awake further related an experience of a mother of 14-year-old girl who lured her daughter into this ignominious trade. The woman said about her daughter, â€Å"she was beautiful and that men would like her very much. Besides, she would earn a lot of money. † In the evenings, the woman takes her daughter to a motel where they make contacts. The mother stays nearby to receive the payments. Each night, this girl has sex with three or four men. 2. UNEMPLOYMENT: Unemployment of either the parents or the child results in unreliable source of income thereby forcing children into prostitution as an alternative means of income to support the family. Ironically, the International Labour Organization observes that a child’s ability to earn money is limited. It is estimated that the money earned by the child only contributes to approximately 10% of the family’s overall income and therefore has minimal effect on the family’s monetary gain (Dimenstein, 1994:12). Due to high degree of unemployment, the brothels employ some female children who serve in their drinking spots to promote their business. 3. HUMANS TRAFFICKING: Human trafficking is another evil leading to child prostitution. Human trafficking which represent the world’s third largest criminal activity following only after drug and weapons trafficking is sometimes purported to send teenagers to other countries to work. These would-be workers who sometimes end up prostitutes actually â€Å"work† and repatriate money to their respective home countries (Awake, February 8, 2003: 5). Many times, hard times hit these fellows as they are deported to come and continue this profession at home. Some of the female prostitutes come home to take some younger females to their places either to help them or to make them their servants and at the long run they get converted to prostitution, which is their boss’ profession. 4. DECEPTION ENCOURAGES PROSTITUTION: Pimps or brothel owners deceive some parents by paying them money and assuring to enlist their children in their â€Å"domestic services†, which later turns to be prostitution. These brothel owners who are termed the girl’s â€Å"owners† take control of the child’s’ activities. Moreover, these owners do everything possible to retain these girls who earn money for them to maintain their lavish lifestyle (Robinson, 2001:50) and (Dimenstein 1994:10). Apart from the pimps, other intermediaries who benefit from child prostitution do anything possible to see the act continued. Most females are led into this act of prostitution by their masters. Some of them could be anaesthetized by their masters in order to have fun with them and when eventually the woman of the house gets to know about the act she will be thrown out side to continue the act with other men including the master. 5. DYSFUNCTIONAL FAMILY ENVIRONMENT PROMOTES PROSTITUTION: Children of broken homes sleep wherever they see space to do so in the day, and go to the disco and nightclubs in the night. Ekejiuba I. K. (1996:13) discovered that ill treatment of children at home might make them to take to the street in order to find solace. Then the end result may be the hawking of their body to support themselves. 6 POOR EDUCATION: Some children cannot support themselves materially in view of low educational training they received, so they resort to prostitution as their only profession (Rodriguez- Garcia, 1999:55). Girl-child Education Initiative In Africa (January 2003:20) highlights the effect of poor education in the whole of Africa. In connection with poor education, peer pressure, bad association The causes and effects of child prostitution in Owerri Municipal Council and street ganging contribute to child prostitution. Identifiably, a girl may end up as a prostitute by her association, peer pressure and by running with a street gang (Okebugwu, 1989:25); Adetore, (1974:60); Oti (1984:15); and Daily Times ( May 15,1999:12). 7. AIDS SCARE PROMOTES CHILD PROSTITUTION: The high incidence of sexually transmitted diseases like AIDS make customers of prostitutes to look for children who are considered to be of low risk, and most probably virgins (Robinson, 2001:13). Patrons of child prostitutes are willing to pay a great deal of money to be a girl’s first client. In the streets, brothels and drinking spots these days a lot of female children are being employed to help lure more male customers to their spots. Places like Amaram by Tetlow Road and some places in Onyeche Street in Owerri have a high number of female child prostitutes who are employed only to facilitate their business. This is because there is the fear that other older female prostitutes in the same profession could have various STDs. 8. DRUG ABUSE AND ADDICTION ARE PRO-CHILD PROSTITUTION The influence of drugs can subject a child to prostitution and to certain indignifying acts of prostitution which she may otherwise never agree to given her sound mind (Lewis 1980:70); and Udechi (1987:15). 9. REBELLION AND FEELING OF INDEPENDENCE This is another factor promoting child prostitutions. Some girls are shamelessly bold. What is more, they feel that the body is theirs thus they should decide what to do with their body. (Bennet, G and Robert, P. 1985:207). 10. PORNOGRAPHY AGGRAVATES CHILD PROSTITUTION: Pornography also puts viewers at increased risk for developing sexually deviant tendencies. Awake July 22, 2003:7). Pornography is identified as promoting â€Å"the rape myth† which is a belief that women cause and enjoy rape. Additionally, the repeated use of pornography interferes with the ability to enjoy and participate in normal marital intimacy. Dr. Victor Cline, who specializes in treating sex addiction claims that â€Å"deviant sexual acts results† when a viewer tries to act out the pornography-based fantasies. 11. Incestuous violation and rape in homes as a factor: Some youths were raped in their own homes, which act changed their outlook in life. Some of such ones give vent to prostitution. Two other closely related causes of prostitution are glamor associated with it and insatiable sexual urges in some females. Blag(1976:68) observed that some prostitutes take to this lifestyle because of their innate desire for glamour or that they want to maintain a standard of life, which is impossible by ordinary means of earning, a life reminiscent of Greek aether. On the other hand, Ekejiuba(1996:14) identified other females, nymphomaniacs, who engage in prostitution for the sake of â€Å"fun† or pleasure they derive from it. 2 SUDDEN EXPOSURE: Furthermore, illicit love affairs in the presence of children may subject them to early prostitution. Some parents perform extra marital affairs in the presence of their wards. This exposes the children to early sex life. The premature death of one or both of the parents has also been discovered as one of the causes of child prostitution. Because of the chasm created by such loss, a teena ge girl may be fraught with the onerous task of catering for herself and other family members. More importantly, no one may exist to give stern guideline on her. One Owerri girl who returned from Kumasi Ghana claimed that her father died when she was eight years. This demise of his father left her with the responsibility of catering for her younger siblings and her mother who hails from Kumasi, Ghana. These challenges make her to dabble into prostitution. Child prostitution is not without its consequences, some of which are seemingly pardonable, whereas others are taboo at mere mention of them. High patronage of child prostitutes by wealthy men is another factor that has caused and sustained child prostitution ( Ekejiuba 1996: 13). Some teenage girls find it difficult to resist the temptation of prostitution because of huge sum of money they receive there-from. This accounts for why some IMSU, Alvan and FUTO ladies readily avail themselves for this business. Marxist oriented scholars see prostitution as an outgrowth of capitalism. Many of these see the gradual removal of subsidy from petroleum, which is the main balance of Nigerian economy as exposing many persons to difficulty and leading to sexual promiscuity. How to cite Prostitution of Children and Child Prostitutes, Essay examples

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Brave New World by Adlous Huxley Essay Example For Students

Brave New World by Adlous Huxley Essay In the past 100 years, the world has completely turned around. The technological and computer revolutions have completely changed the way the world works. Henry Ford revolutionized factorial production through the creation of the assembly line. It increased efficiency and a basic standard of conformity among products, therefore making the company a lot more successful. The rest of the industry creating a nation-wide revolution based on efficiency adopted this new innovation. Following the innovation of the assembly line, a new era of development came into existence. In the 1970s, computers were first introduced. Although they were as large as a room and could only play tic tac toe, they were the start of the technological revolution that made our society what it is today. Hundreds, if not thousands, of new inventions were thought of each year, creating new jobs and a new way of life. Records and files previously kept in file cabinets are now all computerized. Every persons life is computerized: identification, police reports, ones house and work. Almost every person has a computer, whether it is used for fun, school, Internet connection, graphic arts, or music. Computers have revolutionized our lives, whether that is a good or bad thing is the question. Do we create and control the computers, or have our own inventions taken such a hold on our lives, that they now control us? Aldous Huxley uses Henry Ford as the basis for an omni powerful leader who enforces the new values of efficiency through a totalitarian and mind-controlling government; subsequently, Huxley creates Brave New World to warn us of the effect that technology will have on our lives in the future.In one aspect, Ford is depicted as the leader of a totalitarian government centralized on creating constant happiness through stability. There are three main ways that Ford, or the government, creates stability in the society: predestination and a caste system, brainwashing (commonly through hypnopaedia), and soma. It is the belief that happiness causes stability, and stability causes efficiency. People like their jobs and are happy with their social status due to their chemical conditioning and the constant implementing of subconscious ideas. Since people are happy with their jobs and position in society, they are not compelled to rebel or challenge authority; stability. On the central hatchery and conditioning center in London is the World States motto, COMMUNITY, IDENTITY, STABILITY,(Huxley 3). Community is the value of this society that everything is for the greater good, and not for the individual. It can be questioned what is meant of identity here. A possibility is that Huxley is mocking the lack of individuality among society. It also may refer to the identity that the Brave New World has as a whole, rejecting the identity of individuals. Through the predestination of people, Stability is achieved, alas the word stability on the building: We also predestine and condition. We decant our babies as socialized human beings,(13). Not only are individuals programmed for a certain job and social position, the idea of conformity is taken to an extreme. Bokanovskys Process is a method in which one embryo divides many times, creating dozens of basically the same person: Bokanovskys Process is one of the major instruments of social stability!(7), the Director explains to a group of students. Birth is no longer a human event; all babies are raised in tubes instead of in a womb. There is no suspense in how the baby will turn out; it is genetically engineered to be perfect, Standard men and women; in uniform batches,(7). By controlling all births, the government is able to regulate the population to stabilize the population at this momentPodsnaps Technique could make sure of at least a hundred and fifty mature eggs within two years,(8). .ub81dc63f2fee345b8c72135a1395216a , .ub81dc63f2fee345b8c72135a1395216a .postImageUrl , .ub81dc63f2fee345b8c72135a1395216a .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ub81dc63f2fee345b8c72135a1395216a , .ub81dc63f2fee345b8c72135a1395216a:hover , .ub81dc63f2fee345b8c72135a1395216a:visited , .ub81dc63f2fee345b8c72135a1395216a:active { border:0!important; } .ub81dc63f2fee345b8c72135a1395216a .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ub81dc63f2fee345b8c72135a1395216a { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ub81dc63f2fee345b8c72135a1395216a:active , .ub81dc63f2fee345b8c72135a1395216a:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ub81dc63f2fee345b8c72135a1395216a .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ub81dc63f2fee345b8c72135a1395216a .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ub81dc63f2fee345b8c72135a1395216a .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ub81dc63f2fee345b8c72135a1395216a .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ub81dc63f2fee345b8c72135a1395216a:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ub81dc63f2fee345b8c72135a1395216a .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ub81dc63f2fee345b8c72135a1395216a .ub81dc63f2fee345b8c72135a1395216a-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ub81dc63f2fee345b8c72135a1395216a:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Student Athletes Essay The name podsnap gives the impression of a machine (like a pod on a spaceship). It also gives the impression of conformity (two peas in a pod) and family. Because these people do not have parents or siblings, the closest equivalent to kin are your twins. The creation of a caste system, and the submission of the population to it, allows the government to create an efficient society. This caste system is kept